Funny thing happened...
It was three days ago I believe, perhaps four, but I woke up on Adam's bed, completely naked and fully erect, nothing out of the ordinary. As I laid there, staring at the ceiling in a drunken stupor, I noticed an odd intricacy on my already peculiar member. On my left, no right testicle, I noticed a yellow miscoloration. In dismay I sprinted to the bathroom to get a better look and a second opinion from Brian. Bri said I had gangreen!!! I felt like an ignorant British sailor who had spent the pinacle of his life gnawing on hard tack and making gentle love to cabin boys, the same cabin boys that oddly haunt my dreams. Long of the short of it, it ends up that the yellow miscoloration was purely a mustard stain, dijon mustard. Thanks to Rochelle, the ever sober ying to my raging yang and her developed tastebuds, we were able to avoid the travesty that nearly was my testicles.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
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