Friday, February 27, 2009


I understand that I made an Lenten Promise to blog each day until Easter. I took yesterday off on purpose to piss off Kevin Roche--sorry Jesus.

To be completely honest, I am at a loss of personal opinion, sexual conquests, and bigotry at the moment. It could be a reflection of the frigid winter that is just now beginning to leave us, the pseudo depression caused by less air time for Shawn Johnson, or the dull drum of reality eroding the creativity I once possessed. I truly believed that this Lenten Promise would act as a sort of mental pro-biotic yogurt, flushing the writers' block from my constipated mind. It hasn't. I honestly expected, firm, concise, and remarkable BM's (Brain Movements) from the promise, but have instead found myself stooling for hours on how to keep right with the Lord.

Perhaps dipping will help. Until then, grab the paper and push--this is going to be a while.



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