Sunday, November 16, 2008

Second Wind

Though my pen has been quiet, I can promise you that my thoughts have been deafening. It's been over a year since I last put ink to parchment and it seems as though the once chaotic, intoxicating world I once knew is no more. Don't fret children; don't fret.

Despite the collapse that engulfed me, both physically and emotionally, nearly crippled me, I can say, with confidence, that the revival of this blog will surely prove to the first of the ashes to fall from the revived Pheonix. Single, slightly more bald, and exponentially more shrewd, I am ready, once again, to use too many commas, place semi-colons inappropriately; though well intentioned, and have my life documented for the world (ie Kevin Roche) to follow.

I've been told that irrelevance can be irrevocable. In the fear of becoming yet another 20 something professional with a loose grip on reality, but a firm grasp on glory, I felt it necessary to once again to cement my psychosis through blog.

Currently, I have nothing of value to share now, but I'd hate to blue ball my readers so here's a prompt update: I'm single, I live with Bill, we've discussed tinkle targets at length, nocturnal fluids are at an all time high (this includes tears), I've gone through a series of George Michael's phases and each time come out "okay", the Rangers are in first place, I've maintained a decent success rate in avoiding Michael (who is now Speed's boss), I'm well read on natural hair loss reversal projects, I've found myself more and more attracted to personified Disney female animal characters and subsequently have written a series of letters to fatheads about the lack of Nala wall decor, I've developed a fear of both heights and depths, I'm excited to have a president in office who can wear purple well, I've joined Oprah's book club, and have developed an inexplicable disdain towards the Haam brothers.

This confession has meant nothing.


Blogger Jmac said...

welcome back Christopher

12:21 PM  

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